Monday, August 29, 2011

Stretch Mark Cream - The Answer To Your Prayers

Stretch mark cream is often the best way to remove stretch marks. Stretch marks are scars that affect the thin middle layer of skin, or dermis. They are caused by the rapid expansion or stretching of the skin. Pregnancy is the biggest culprit; however, they are also associated with obesity, puberty, and weightlifting. They are usually found in the abdomen, breasts, buttocks, legs, and upper arms.

At first, the marks appear to purple or reddish colored lines. In time they fade with age and the color changes to a pale white or silver color. The affected skin looks empty and is soft. The biggest inconvenience of the annoying lines is the difficulty of making them go away. There are several options including: cosmetic surgery, microdermabrasion, laser therapy, stretch mark creams and lotions, and tanning. The best way to rid the body of stretch marks, however, is to prevent them. Skin creams, lotions, vitamins A, E, and C, and water, all are forms of prevention.

If preventative methods were not used enough or in time, and the marks develop, there are popular products to help with the appearance. Several products do the wonderful job of removing or reducing the marks. They come in many different formulations, with different amounts of key ingredients. The most effective creams have elastin, collagen, emu oil, and liposomes. It is extremely imperative to look at the amount of each ingredient in each product. Some companies only put enough of an ingredient to legally claim it is present. Other things to look for when buying stretch mark creams are if the product contains water (it dilutes the product), if the company has a professional website, if the company has positive testimonials from real people, and what guarantee, if any, does the company offer for their cream.

The creams are available in a very wide range of prices. Some popular creams with good reviews are Mederma, Revitagen, and Dermectin. Merderma is relatively cheap at about $14-$16.  A 6oz tube of Revitagen can be bought for $69.95. The price of Dermectin ranges from $19.95 to $24.99 depending on the store. As with all other medical products, each product does not have the same effect on every person who tries it. Many different products may need to be tried before the right one is found. Moreover, creams might not be the solution to the problem; some the other methods may need to be tried.

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